Data backup is probably something everyone doesn't think about with regards to computers. The average person probably just downloads their pictures/videos from their camera without thinking about backup up the files. All you school work you do may be stored on the hard drive in your computer, and no where else.
Imagine what would happen if your hard drive suddenly failed, and the data was no longer retrievable? How would you feel knowing that all your hardwork was gone, possible for good? There are many reason that people probably don't backup their data. Let's look at a few reasons.
- No time to backup my data. Everyone is busy today, and backing up data is not one of the items on their to-do list. The fact is, there are many backup software that can automatically backup your data. There are even portable hard drives that will automatically backup your data once they are connected. Online backup provider is another solution as they provide a program that runs in the background and automatically performs backup. The truth is, you don't need time to backup, since it can be automated.
- I don't know how to backup. I agree that not everyone is technical, but backup software today makes it easier than ever to protect your data. Most of the backup software available, that includes the online backup provider software, doesn't need to be configured. They are programmed to automatically backup the most common data. Of course, you can also change what it backs up to ensure it doesn't miss any important files.
- I'm not sure what to backup. This point is related to previous one. Most software will automatically be programmed to backup the most common data files. This is also where organizing your files can make backing up easier. If you keep your files organized, then you know exactly what needs to be backed up. If you are unsure which files you should back up, please read What Should You Backup on Your Computer? for some suggestions.
- I need a lot of storage space. Since digital photos have gone mainstream, more data is being stored on home computers. The good news is that hard drives have also increased in size, while the price per megabyte has decreased. You can now purchase hard drives in terabytes, which should be more than enough to store your data. Don't want a hard drive? USB flash drives come in sizes that are 64GB, while DVDs are 4.7 GB and more. You can even find gigabytes of storage online as well. There are storage space options to store all your data.
- My hard drive won't crash. Hard drives are sensitive pieces of hardware, that contain moving parts. Something as simple as a spike in the electric current from the outside can destroy your hard drive. Your hard drive can also suffer a mechanical breakdown. Don't think that your hard drive is immune to crashing. All hard drives are prone to failure, and most probably do.
- Procrastination. This reason is probably one of the most commone, and I admit that I procrastinate at times with backup my data. As mentioned in previous points, however, most backup software can be run automatically when your data changes. This means that you don't have to remember, or find the time, to backup your data.
You may find that you have used one of the reasons listed above for not backing up your data. It is very important that you backup your data if you do not want to lose it. If you can configure your data backup software to run automatically, then most, if not all, of the above reasons no longer apply. It is very important, however, that you create a data backup solution that works for you.
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