Regularly Check Your Data Backups

September 2, 2009 Labels:

Let's start this post by having a look at a simple scenario. This scenario can become a reality for many who backup their data. In this scenario we will look at someone name Fred. Fred makes regular backups of his data, almost daily. He ensures that his most important files are stored safely away.

Fred never has any problems with his backups, as he keeps one copy of his files on his external hard drive, and another one on a DVD. He doesn't have many files, so a DVD is large enough to hold all his data.

One day a large storm passes through his area. A quick lightning strike hits near his home and the shock travels through into his home. Unfortunately, while his computers where connected to a surge protector, the force of the electricity from the lightning renders the surge protector useless and it reaches his computer. Instantly his computer is damaged beyond repair. With his external hard drive plugged into the computer, the shock also travels through the USB cable and turns it into a paper-weight.

While Fred is distraught that his computer needs to be replaced, he is relieved knowing that his data is still safe on DVD's.

Once his computer is replaced he retrieves the DVD's with his data and inserts the disc into his computer. The computer spins the disc, makes a few other noises, and then stops. The disc can't be read, it has become corrupted. Fred's data is gone.

How to Avoid Corrupted Data Backups

The above scenario can happen to many who regularly backup their data, without performing regular checks on their data backups. DVD's, and CD's for that matter, are notorious for being corrupted. It is important that if you do use these media for backup, that you make two copies on two different discs, and that you use good quality media.

Make sure you store them on their side, and in a cool dark place. Every few months, you should pull them out and view the contents in your computer. This will allow you to see if any of your data has become corrupted. If it has, then you should backup the data from the original again.

This can also happen to other media used for data storage. Nothing lasts forever, so whether you use USB flash drives, or external hard drives, always perform a check on your media and files to ensure there are no problems.

So two points that you can take away from this post are as follows:

  1. Always make multiple copies of your data files.
  2. Check your data backups on a regular basis.

Not following the above two points can cause you to lose all your data, especially when you need it the most.


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