Choosing a Data Backup Plan

September 18, 2009 Labels:

I have talked about various types of methods you can use to backup your data. Several methods include local data backup, offsite data backup and using an online data backup service provider.

With all the different methods, it could be hard to choose a data backup workflow that works for you. To help you make some choices, I will provide various different backup plans that you can use, and also provide the cost, benefits and weaknesses of each plan.

There are many factors that I will look into when examining a backup plan, including the cost, ease of use, and how good it is at protecting your data. I will discuss the storage media involved and how likely it is to meet any long term data preservation needs.

While not all data backup plans will work for everyone, I will attempt to provide various different workflows, and hope one will work for you.

Come back often to see which plan I outline next.


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